
$0.48 /KG

Categories: Products, Dairy Products

Yogurt is a popular dairy product made through the bacterial fermentation of milk. It is consumed globally and known for its creamy texture, tangy flavor, and various health benefits. Here's a more detailed overview of yogurt, its types, production process, nutritional value, and health benefits:

Types of Yogurt:

  • Regular Yogurt: Made from whole, low-fat, or skim milk and cultured with bacteria such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

  • Greek Yogurt: Strained to remove whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier texture. It is higher in protein and lower in lactose compared to regular yogurt.

  • Skyr: An Icelandic dairy product similar to Greek yogurt, with a thick consistency and high protein content.

  • Kefir: A fermented milk drink that is tangier than yogurt and contains a more diverse range of probiotics.

  • Plant-Based Yogurt: Made from alternative sources such as soy, almond, coconut, or oat milk for those who are lactose intolerant or follow a plant-based diet.

  • Flavored Yogurt: Regular or Greek yogurt with added flavors such as fruit, honey, or spices.

Production Process:

  1. Pasteurization: Milk is pasteurized to kill any harmful bacteria and extend shelf life.

  2. Cooling: The milk is cooled to a specific temperature before fermentation.

  3. Fermentation: Live bacterial cultures are added to the milk, which converts lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. This process thickens the milk and gives yogurt its distinct tangy flavor.

  4. Straining: Optional for types like Greek yogurt, where the yogurt is strained to remove whey and achieve a thicker consistency.

  5. Flavoring: Optional step for flavored yogurt, which may include adding fruits, sweeteners, or other flavorings.

  6. Packaging: Yogurt is then packaged and stored under refrigeration.