Cucumber Seeds

$5.17 /KG

Categories: Products, Seeds

Cucumber seeds are the reproductive structures of the cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus), belonging to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae). The seeds contain the genetic material necessary for producing new cucumber plants and consist of the following main components:

  1. Seed Coat:

    • The outer covering of the seed that protects the internal parts from damage, moisture loss, and infection.
    • The seed coat may have a rough texture and varies in color, typically being pale, off-white, or light brown.
  2. Endosperm:

    • A nutrient-rich tissue that provides energy and nutrients to support the seed's germination and initial growth of the seedling.
    • In cucumbers, the endosperm is a limited source of nutrition because the embryo mainly relies on the cotyledons.
  3. Embryo:

    • The embryo is the undeveloped plant contained within the seed. It consists of the following parts:
      • Cotyledons: Also known as seed leaves, these are the first leaves to appear when the seed germinates.
      • Radicle: The embryonic root, which will grow downward into the soil.
      • Plumule: The embryonic shoot, which will grow upward to form the stem and leaves of the plant.
  4. Nutrition:

    • Cucumber seeds contain some proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, although they are not as nutrient-rich as some other types of seeds.
    • They also contain water, which aids in the germination process.
  5. Dormancy and Germination:

    • Cucumber seeds are typically dormant until they encounter the right environmental conditions for germination, such as adequate moisture, warmth, and, in some cases, specific levels of light.
    • Once conditions are suitable, the seed coat absorbs water and the seed begins the germination process.